Arseny Finkelstein [Tel Aviv University]22 June, 2023 Mechanisms of cortical communication during decision-making Regulation of information flow in the brain is critical for many forms of behavior. In the first part of my talk, I will focus on mechanisms that regulate interactions... | |
Rebecca Jordan [University of Edinburgh]26 May, 2023 Neuromodulatory prediction error broadcasting for learning rate control | |
Rui Ponte Costa [University of Bristol]24 March, 2023 AI-driven modelling for rapid and robust cortex-wide credit assignment Learning requires the brain to assign credit to billions of synapses. How the brain achieves this feat is one of the unsolved mysteries in neuroscience. Recently, insp... | |
Simon Butt [University of Oxford, UK]3 March, 2023 Distinct GABAergic circuits reflect different needs for sensory information transfer in early postnatal neocortex Abstract:
GABAergic interneurons are local circuit neurons necessary for information transfer in both the developing and adult cerebral cortex. In this talk I will dis... |
Sadra Sadeh [Imperial College London]9 December, 2022 A perturbative analysis of neural dynamics in brain networks | |
Magnus Richardson [University of Warwick, UK]9 November, 2022 tba For updates, head over to the BCCN Berlin website.
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Miriam Klein-Flügge [University of Oxford]26 October, 2022 Amygdala and PFC encode different associative structures and their connectivity helps predict subclinical variation in mental well-being Humans and animals learn from reward but they also learn by observing statistical relationships in the world. It is the coalescence of these learning mechanisms that s... | |
Wulfram Gerstner [EPFL, Switzerland]13 October, 2022 Continual learning with spiking surprise | |
Anne Churchland [University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)]12 October, 2022 tba For updates, head over to the BCCN Berlin website.
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Jean-Pascal Pfister [Universität Bern]5 October, 2022 Bayesian synapses Synapses are highly dynamical elements and operate on a wide range of time constants, from milliseconds to hours or even days. However, the computational principles th... | |
Kishore Kuchibhotla [John Hopkins University]20 September, 2022 Slow or sudden: neural and behavioral evidence for parallel learning processes Large-scale neural recordings provide an opportunity to better understand how the brain implements critical behavioral computations related to goal-directed learning. ... |
Morris Moscovitch [University of Toronto]8 December, 2020 The cognitive neuroscience and neurobiology of memory consolidation and transformation This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
Abstract TBA.
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Eleanor Maguire [Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging at UCL]1 December, 2020 Characterising the neural circuitry of autobiographical memories This talk is part of the online
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
sfb1315.ifb@hu-be... | |
Scott Waddell [University of Oxford]10 November, 2020 Neural circuit mechanisms of memory This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
Abstract TBA.
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Lars Schwabe [University of Hamburg]20 October, 2020 Memory under stress This talk is part of the online
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
sfb1315.ifb@hu-be... | |
Anabelle Singer [Georgia Tech & Emory University]7 July, 2020 Decoding Memory in Health and Alzheimer’s Disease This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
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Jay McClelland [Stanford Centre for Mind, Brian & Computation]30 June, 2020 Integrating new knowledge without catastrophic interference - Computational and theoretical investigations in a hierarchically structured environment This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
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Nathalie Rochefort [University of Edinburgh]16 June, 2020 Experience-dependent plasticity in neuronal circuits of the primary visual cortex This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
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Catherine Carr [University of Maryland]9 June, 2020 Experience-dependent plasticity in the brainstem This talk is part of the online
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
sfb1315.ifb@hu-be... | |
Georgina Rippon [Aston University]2 June, 2020 The gendered brain - how the concept of neuroplasticity should inform the 'male-female brain' debate This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
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Sam McKenzie [NYU Neuroscience Institue]26 May, 2020 Changes in lateral inhibition accompany hippocampal pattern separation This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
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Monika Schönauer [Princeton University]12 May, 2020 Imaging memory consolidation in wakefulness and sleep This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
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Christine Grienberger [HHMI Janelia]21 April, 2020 Circuit mechanisms underlying CA1 place cell activity This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
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Jonathan Pillow [Princeton University]11 March, 2020 Inferring the dynamics of learning from sensory decision-making behavior The dynamics of learning in natural and artificial environments is a
problem of great interest to both neuroscientists and artificial
intelligence experts. However, ... | |
Klaus Gramman [TU Berlin]10 March, 2020 Imaging brain activity in moving humans This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
To obtain the Zoom meeting details, please send an email to
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Marina Mikhaylova [Uniklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf]11 February, 2020 Novel insights on the function of excitatory shaft synapses This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
The abstract can be found
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Andrew Saxe [University of Oxford]10 February, 2020 A normative theory of how hippocampal-neocortical interactions consolidate memory A striking finding in human memory is that hippocampal damage can cause
temporally graded retrograde amnesia, which profoundly impairs recent
memories while sparing ... | |
Petr Znamenskiy [UCL & The Francis Crick Institute]3 February, 2020 Title: tba | |
Alexander Attinger [Stanford University]8 January, 2020 Title: Visuomotor coupling shapes predictive processing in mouse visual cortex Predictive processing theories of brain function are gaining increasing experimental support. An integral component of computation based on predictive coding would be ... |
Peter Dayan [Max-Planck-Institut für Biologische Kybernetik, Tübingen]11 December, 2019 Replay and preplay in human planning Animals and humans replay neural patterns encoding trajectories through their environment, both whilst they solve decision-making tasks and during rest. We have been u... | |
Richard Morris [University of Edinburgh]11 December, 2019 The making and keeping of memory This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
Talk details can be found
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Manuel Beiran [École Normale Supérieure, Paris]9 December, 2019 Dynamical Mechanisms of Flexible Timing by Temporal Scaling Animals can flexibly perform a given action at vastly different speeds. Recent analyses of neural recordings in monkeys performing flexible timing tasks have shown tha... | |
Tatiana Engel [Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory]13 November, 2019 Dynamic states of neural populations during cognitive computations Neural responses and behavior are influenced by internal brain states, such as arousal or task context. Ongoing variations of these internal states affect global patte... | |
21 October, 2019 Seminar 'Deep Learning in Brains and Machines' Dear all,
We kindly invite you to our seminar series ‘Deep learning in brains and machines’, run at the TU this winter semester.
Time: Mondays from 10:15 - 11:45
Loc... | |
Steffen Gais [Institute for Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen]10 October, 2019 Sleep and the interactions in multiple memory systems This talk is part of the
SFB 1315
lecture seris.
Talk details can be found
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Bernstein Conference 17-20 September, 2019 We are very happy that the TU will host the Bernstein Conference for Computational Neuroscience again this year. We have a very exciting line-up of speakers and worksh... | |
Andrea Hasenstaub@BCCN [University of California]11 September, 2019 tba | |
Simon Weber [TU Berlin]22 August, 2019 PhD thesis defense of Simon Weber Simon Weber will officially finish his time as a PhD student in our lab by defending his thesis titled ‘Models of Spatial Representations’.
Take a look at Simon’s publ... | |
Paola Suárez [BCCN Berlin]16 August, 2019 Disentangling sensory and top-down information during perceptual decision making In the field of perceptual decision making, the relationship between the activity of sensory neurons and decision outcomes is known as choice probability (CP) and has ... | |
Nas Ahmad [University of Oxford]17 June, 2019 Spike - A GPU Optimised Spiking Neural Network Simulator Spiking Neural Network (SNN) simulations require internal variables –
such as the membrane voltages of individual neurons and their synaptic inputs – to be updated on... | |
Joram Soch [BCCN Berlin]13 February, 2019 Bayesian model selection for statistical analysis of neural data - Lessons from fMRI In cognitive neuroscience, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data are routinely
analyzed using general linear models (GLMs) without systematic model quality... | |
Pierre Yger [CR at Institut de la Vision, Paris]30 January, 2019 Fast and accurate spike sorting for thousands of channels Understanding how assemblies of neurons encode information requires recording of large populations of cells in the brain. In recent years, multi-electrode arrays and l... | |
Josef Ladenbauer [Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, TU Berlin]23 January, 2019 Statistical inference for mechanistic models of neural populations based on spike-train data Multi-neuronal spike-train data recorded in vivo typically exhibit rich dynamics as well as considerable variability across cells and repetitions of identical experime... | |
Jakob Macke [TU München]16 January, 2019 Teaching neural networks to perform statistical inference on models of neural networks Neuroscience, as well as many other fields of science and engineering, make extensive use of complex models which describe the structure and dynamics of the process be... |
Sophie Bagur [ESPCI, Paris]18 November, 2018 Go/No-Go task engagement enhances population representation of target stimuli in primary auditory cortex The main functions of primary sensory cortical areas are classically considered to be the extraction and representation of
stimulus features. In contrast, higher cort... | |
Tobias Leva [MDC Berlin]31 October, 2018 Large scale electrophysiology with Neuropixel probes Technological advances in nano manufacturing have led to the development of next-generation silicone probes, which permit in-vivo recordings from hundreds of neurons s... | |
Tara Keck [University College London]23 October, 2018 Synaptic dynamics in mouse visual cortex following sensory deprivation Homeostatic synaptic scaling is thought to occur cell-wide, but recent evidence suggests this form of stabilizing plasticity can be implemented more locally in reduced... | |
Filip Vercruysse [TU Berlin]23 October, 2018 Introduction to Data Acquisition As part of the seminar series on “Data Analysis of Large Scale Neuronal Data” (Current Topics in Computational Neuroscience) Filip Vercruysse will give an introduction... | |
Júlia Gallinaro [BCCN Freiburg]3 July, 2018 Associative properties of a structural plasticity rule based on firing rate homeostasis The interaction between Hebbian and homeostatic plasticity in neuronal networks has recently received a lot of attention. Hebbian synaptic plasticity like STDP, known ... | |
Yoram Burak [Racah Institute of Physics, and Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem]27 June, 2018 Shaping neural circuits by high order synaptic interactions How do plasticity rules, acting locally at the level of single synapses, shape the global structure of recurrent neural circuits? We recently developed a theoretical f... | |
Katharina Wilmes [Imperial College London]12 June, 2018 Roles of inhibitory interneurons in plasticity Inhibitory interneurons form canonical circuit motifs across brain areas and have been repeatedly shown to play a role in learning and memory. There are several ways i... | |
Matthieu Gilson [Universitat Pompeu Fabra]29 May, 2018 Framework to extract and interpret biomarkers the spatio-temporal structure of fMRI data Directed connectivity inference has become a cornerstone in neuroscience following the recent progress in neuroimaging techniques to characterize neuronal networks. In... | |
Alberto Bernacchia [University of Oxford]22 May, 2018 The non-sequential state of cortical circuits A fundamental task of the brain is learning causal effects between sensory stimuli, by detecting their systematic temporal order. It has been shown that sequential act... | |
Friedemann Zenke [University of Oxford]15 May, 2018 What can we learn about synaptic plasticity from spiking neural network models? Long-term synaptic changes are thought to be crucial for learning and memory. To achieve this feat, Hebbian plasticity and slow forms of homeostatic plasticity work in... | |
Timothy O'Leary [University of Cambridge]19 April, 2018 System size as a regulatory feedback signal in synapses I will present a reevaluation of the thinking behind common models of biochemical switches involved in synaptic plasticity. Typically, the signalling pathways in a syn... |
Inna Slutsky [Tel Aviv University]11 July, 2017 Maintaining the balance between stability and plasticity in hippocampal networks How neuronal circuits maintain the balance between stability and plasticity in a constantly changing environment remains a fundamental question in neuroscience. Empiri... | |
Alfonso Renart [Champalimaud]4 July, 2017 The Cost of Control in Perceptual Decision Making Normative models of behavior specify optimal policies for agents under specific contingencies and reward schedules. In reinforcement learning (RL), agents are typicall... | |
Alexis Dubreuil [Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris]26 June, 2017 A sensorimotor hub driving phototaxis in zebrafish Animals continuously gather sensory cues in order to move towards favorable environments. Efficient goal-directed navigation requires sensory perception and motor comm... | |
Tatiana Engel [Stanford University]23 June, 2017 Discovering dynamic computations in the brain from large-scale neural recordings Neural responses and behavior are influenced by internal brain states, such as arousal, vigilance, or task context. Ongoing variations of these internal states affect ... | |
Romain Cazé [Imperial College London]30 May, 2017 Dendrites enable a robust mechanism for neuronal stimulus selectivity Hearing, vision, touch – underlying all of these senses is stimulus selectivity, a robust information processing operation in which cortical neurons respond more to so... | |
Marije ter Wal [Radboud University]23 May, 2017 Buzzing brains in a busy world: could synchronization between circuits underlie dynamic neural communication? Our brains function in an ever changing world. The inputs from our senses are never the same twice, and in addition, the appropriate response to an input depends on th... | |
Tatjana Tchumatchenko [MPI Frankfurt]15 May, 2017 Shaping Network Dynamics via Individual Neurons" Despite recent experimental advances, understanding how connectivity and single neuron properties interact in neural circuits remains a mayor challenge in neurobiology... | |
Wulfram Gerstner [EPFL]10 May, 2017 Synaptic plasticity controlled by surprise During Hebbian plasticity, pre- and postsynaptic activity work together to cause a change of the weights. However, neuromodulators signaling reward, novelty, or supri... | |
Rui Costa [University of Oxford]2 May, 2017 Statistical excitatory and inhibitory long-term synaptic plasticity Long-term modifications in neuronal connections are critical for reliable memory storage in the brain. However, their locus of expression – pre- or postsynaptic – is h... |
Christina Buetfering [University College London]22 July, 2016 Parvalbumin interneurons provide grid cell–driven recurrent inhibition in the medial entorhinal cortex Grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) generate metric spatial representations. Recent attractor-network models suggest an essential role for GABAergic inter... | |
Albert Gidon [HU Berlin]15 July, 2016 Design principles for inhibition in dendrites Synaptic inhibition plays a key role in shaping the dynamics of neuronal networks in the brain. Typically, an inhibitory axon contacts a particular dendritic subdomain... | |
Sami El Boustani [EPFL]8 July, 2016 Stimulus-dependent inhibitory action of mouse V1 interneurons GABAergic interneurons play a key role in shaping sensory processing and plasticity of the mature and developing brain. Interneurons can be divided into classes that d... | |
Jens Kremkow [Humboldt-University of Berlin & NWFZ]1 July, 2016 The role of balanced and correlated excitation and inhibition in brain function The dynamic interaction of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the neuronal circuits of the brain forms the basis for sensory processing, perception and behavior. In ... | |
Alberto Bacci [ENP Paris]3 June, 2016 Long-term Plasticity of Neocortical GABAergic Synapses In the neocortex, the coexistence of temporally locked excitation and inhibition governs complex network activity underlying cognitive functions, and is believed to be... | |
Jochen Triesch [IZN Frankfurt]27 May, 2016 Where's the Noise? Key Features of Spontaneous Activity and Neural Variability Arise through Learning in a Deterministic Network Even in the absence of sensory stimulation the brain is spontaneously active. This background “noise” seems to be the dominant cause of the notoriously high trial-to-t... | |
Brent Doiron [University of Pittsburgh]23 May, 2016 Self-organized circuit structure in networks of spiking neurons with plastic synapses The wiring of cortex is overwhelmingly complex. In particular, the circuit structure of cortical networks has both an over and under representation of certain motifs,... | |
Tim O'Leary [University of Cambridge]21 March, 2016 Neuromodulation, circadian rhythms and nervous system robustness Neuromodulation can profoundly alter the intrinsic and synaptic properties of a neural circuit, leading to changes in physiological function that underlie motor behavi... | |
Robert Guetig [MPI Goettingen]12 February, 2016 Spiking neurons can discover predictive features by aggregate-label learning abstract: The brain routinely discovers sensory clues that predict opportunities or dangers. However, it is unclear how neural learning processes can bridge the typica... | |
Walter Senn [University of Bern]5 February, 2016 Learning by the dendritic prediction of somatic firing I will present a biological form of learning in a dendritic tree with conductance-based synapses. The neuron is considered as an intrinsic prediction element that rece... | |
Christina Savin [IST Austria]22 January, 2016 Unsupervised learning in neural circuits: emergent computation through the interaction between different forms of plasticity Confronted with the continuous flow of experience, the brain takes amorphous sensory inputs and translates them into coherent objects and scenes. This process requires... | |
Yonatan Loewenstein [Hebrew University]1 January, 2016 Modeling operant learning: from synaptic plasticity to behavior I will present two computational models that provide a quantitative description of learning behavior of humans and animals in operant learning tasks. The first model p... |
Claudia Clopath [Imperial College, London]4 December, 2015 Emergence of functional connections in neural networks with synaptic plasticity Recent novel experimental techniques allowed to study the relationship between neurons’ property and connectivity. In particular, in the layer II/III of primary visua... | |
Pedro Goncalves [Gatsby, UCL]14 July, 2015 Dynamics of an oculomotor integrator revealed by instantaneous optogenetic perturbations. The oculomotor integrator (OI) in the hindbrain transforms incoming horizontal eye movement commands into position signals to maintain stable eye fixations after sacca... | |
Lorenz Goenner [TU Chemnitz]7 July, 2015 Place-Cell Sequences Signal Behavioral Goals: A Model of Goal Memory in Cortico-Hippocampal Circuits Hippocampal place-cell sequences observed during awake immobility often represent previous spatial experiences, but have recently also been linked to path planning in ... | |
Elisa Tartaglia [Institut de la Vision, Paris]30 June, 2015 Modulation of Network Excitability by Persistent Activity: How Working Memory Affects the Response to Incoming Stimuli Over short time periods, memories are stored by sustained patterns of spiking activity which, once initiated by the stimulus, persist over the entire retention interva... | |
Klaus Wimmer [IDIBAPS, Barcelona]23 June, 2015 Network dynamics underlying the relationship between neuronal and behavioral variability The trial-to-trial variability of cortical neurons correlates with variability of behavioral reports. This relationship can arise from sensory variability biasing beha... | |
Jean-Pascal Pfister [University of Zurich, ETH Zurich]17 June, 2015 Matching storage and recall in spiking neural networks Synapses are highly dynamical elements with extraordinary complexity. The up- or down-regulation of synaptic strength depends on more than 100 different interacting pr... | |
Valerio Mante [University of Zurich]5 May, 2015 A new look at gating: selective integration of sensory signals through network dynamics A hallmark of decision-making in primates is contextual sensitivity: a given stimulus can lead to different decisions depending on the context in which it is presented... | |
Guillaume Hennequin [University of Cambridge]5 May, 2015 Why should motor cortex normally be nonnormal? Populations of neurons in motor cortex engage in complex transient dynamics of large amplitude during the execution of limb movements. Traditional, randomly connected ... |