Lottery Tickets in Evolutionary Optimization: On Sparse Backpropagation-Free Trainability Robert Tjarko Lange, Henning Sprekeler ICML 2023 | |
Discovering Attention-Based Genetic Algorithms via Meta-Black-Box Optimization Robert Tjarko Lange, Tom Schaul, Yutian Chen, Chris Lu, Tom Zahavy, Valentin Dalibard, Sebastian Flennerhag Proceedings of the 2023 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2023). | |
Cortical interneurons: fit for function and fit to function? Evidence from development and evolution Joram Keijser & Henning Sprekeler Frontiers in Neural Circuits 17:1172464 | |
Control of neocortical memory by long-range inhibition in layer 1 Anna Schroeder, Belén Pardi, Joram Keijser, Tamas Dalmay, Erin Schuman, Henning Sprekeler, Johannes Letzkus Neuron 111, p. 1-12 | |
Fish shoals resemble a stochastic excitable system driven by environmental perturbations Luis Gómez-Nava, Robert T. Lange, Pascal P. Klamser, Juliane Lukas, Lenin Arias-Rodriguez, David Bierbach, Jens Krause, Henning Sprekeler & Pawel Romanczuk Nature Physics 19, 663–669 | |
Multispecies collective waving behaviour in fish Juliane Lukas, Jens Krause, Arabella Sophie Träger, Jonas Marc Piotrowski, Pawel Romanczuk, Henning Sprekeler, Lenin Arias-Rodriguez, Stefan Krause, Christopher Schutz & David Bierbach Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 378(1874) | |
Restoring speech intelligibility for hearing aid users with deep learning Peter Udo Diehl, Yosef Singer, Hannes Zilly, Uwe Schönfeld, Paul Meyer-Rachner, Mark Berry, Henning Sprekeler, Elias Sprengel, Annett Pudszuhn & Veit M Hofmann Scientific Reports 13(1), p. 2719 | |
Discovering Evolution Strategies via Meta-Black-Box Optimization Robert Tjarko Lange, Tom Schaul, Yutian Chen, Tom Zahavy, Valentin Dallibard, Chris Lu, Satinder Singh, Sebastian Flennerhag ICLR 2023 | |